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Venture Scouting & Fundraising

Inadequate access to funding is arguably the most challenging problem facing startups (especially early-stage) and Small and Growing Businesses (SGBs) across Africa. The fundraising process tends to be time-consuming, painstaking and requires having a robust network of investors.

PBS helps with sourcing for investible ventures and deals based on the client’s preference/bias as well as supports founders/business owners by acting as facilitators to raise the needed capital to grow their businesses. We leverage our extensive networks of investors thereby connecting to available funding opportunities faster.

In addition to advising on the right type of investment and the fundraising process, we also help to source for the right type of investors – be it Angel investors, Venture Capital firms or institutional investors, highlight identified risks as well as render assistance with negotiations and closing deals. 

With our competent team in charge, you can FOCUS mainly on leading your team and growing your business while we take the fundraising burden off you.